BOCS Juice {Beet Orange Carrot Strawberry}

I think this is the prettiest and tastiest juice I have ever made. At least that’s what I’m saying now… I’ll probably think my next juice is the yummiest one I have ever made, too. That’s kind of how it goes around here… Don’t ever ask me what my favorite anything is, because I don’t know and I can’t choose. If you find me in the nail polish aisle, I’ve probably already been there for an hour trying to pick a color.


Anyway… Let’s talk juice. I typically like to keep my juice super green and full of vegetables with just an apple and maybe some lemon or ginger to make it enjoyable. Too much fruit will give the body an insulin spike with a sugar crash and you’ll just end up with more sugar or carb cravings. But I really wanted to make a beautiful juice to photograph (it feeds my sparkle to make beautiful things) and we got strawberries for 88 cents a pound this week. That’s unheard of around here during this season! So I thought up this combination crossing my fingers that it would taste good. Sometimes you just don’t know with juicing what concoctions are going to be palatable. And this turned out seriously delicious.

BOCS juice is packed full of beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and iron, just to name a few… along with a host of other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is what I call pure vitality! If you do not have a juicer, it is definitely on the top of my recommended small kitchen appliances and  SO worth the investment for your health. Many people mistakenly think that a Vitamix or other blenders are the same as a juicer. Blenders are great, I love mine. But juicers are also an amazing tool because they extract all the vitamins and nutrients out of fruits and vegetables, removing the fiber so that your body can easily absorb all the nutrients without going through the work of digesting the fiber. That’s it’s own post for another day, on to the recipe…


BOCS Juice – Beet Orange Carrot Strawberry

  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1/2 pint strawberries
  • 1 small beet or half large beet
  • 3 medium-large carrots
  • Chop each ingredient to the correct size that you juicer requires. Push everything through in that order, pour into your favorite glass, stir, and sip!

strawberry heart

Here’s a little love I found for ya when I was cutting my strawberries. Happy juicing!




5 thoughts on “BOCS Juice {Beet Orange Carrot Strawberry}

  1. Nice strawberry sale! I will have to try this juice, Though I have never been a fan of beets. I keep trying though, maybe this will be “the one” 🙂

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